Anthony McClure has been the CEO of Silver Mines Limited (ASX:SVL) since 2016, and this article will examine the executive’s compensation with respect to the overall performance of the company. This analysis will also assess whether Silver Mines pays its CEO appropriately, considering recent earnings growth and total shareholder returns.

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How Does Total Compensation For Anthony McClure Compare With Other Companies In The Industry?

Our data indicates that Silver Mines Limited has a market capitalization of AU$210m, and total annual CEO compensation was reported as AU$338k for the year to June 2020. This means that the compensation hasn’t changed much from last year. We note that the salary portion, which stands at AU$308.2k constitutes the majority of total compensation received by the CEO.

For comparison, other companies in the industry with market capitalizations below AU$283m, reported a median total CEO compensation of AU$318k. So it looks like Silver Mines compensates Anthony McClure in line with the median for the industry. What’s more, Anthony McClure holds AU$6.1m worth of shares in the company in their own name, indicating that they have a lot of skin in the game.

Component20202019Proportion (2020)
Total CompensationAU$338kAU$347k100%

On an industry level, around 70% of total compensation represents salary and 30% is other remuneration. Silver Mines is paying a higher share of its remuneration through a salary in comparison to the overall industry. If total compensation veers towards salary, it suggests that the variable portion – which is generally tied to performance, is lower.

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